Tag archieven: Machine Learning

Machine Learning & race cars, toys for boys


How can we make machine learning easier to understand for people? This is what Twan, Ronald and I were thinking about. The result is the Anki Overdrive which is controlled by Machine Learning from SAP. It is the first project we created for “Where The Cool Shit Happens” where we are going to post information about innovative projects we did.


We used bluetooth to communicate with the cars from our iPhone. The iPhone acts as a hub to send car location and lap times to the machine learning engine and to send steering commands to the car from the machine learning engine. The machine learning engine is running on the SAP Cloud Platform.

We also created a SAPUI5 dashboard where you can see how the lap times were over time and information about the state of the current car. Later-on the dashboard might be incorporated into the iOS app.


Machine Learning with BAM, SAP and Expertum

We at Expertum adopted the BAM case in the Run Live Truck, where we used Machine Learning to make the tender handling process much more efficient by finding related tenders in seconds. Old tender documents are analysed and matched to new tender documents using text analysis. BAM can now easily see the potential of a new tender.

Please watch the movie below to see how this was done.
