Tag archieven: awstats

Using AWStats with the SAP Web Dispatcher

It is very easy to get statistical data from the WebDispather log files. For this example I use AWStats which gives you some basic information about the usage of your portal.

The following steps have to be performed to be able to use AWStats from the WebDispatcher administration console:

1. configure logging in webdispatcher, add the following line to your configuration:

icm/HTTP/logging_0 = PREFIX=/, LOGFILE=access_%y-%m%-%d.log, SWITCHTF=day, LOGFORMAT=%h %l %u %t “%r” %s %b “%{referer}i” “%{user-agent}i”

2. download and install perl

3. download and configure awstats:
LogFormat = “%host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot”

4. copy files to webdispatcher admin area (C:\SAP\webdispatcher\admin\awstats)
lang folder
lib folder
plugins folder

5. copy icon folder to C:\SAP\webdispatcher\admin

6. create update script for static pages:
perl awstats.pl -config= -update
perl awstats_buildstaticpages.pl -config=

7. update nav.icp for navigation integration

<!–Added awstats functionality –>
<td valign=”top”>
<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ border=”0″>
<img src=”images/1×1.gif” width=”0″ height=”1″ border=”0″>
<td nowrap>
<img src=”images/treeview/expander_open.gif” width=”16″ height=”11″ border=”0″>
<td nowrap width=”100%”>
<span nowrap class=”sapTreNoDsbl” style=”cursor:default;”>Statistics</span>
<td valign=”top” class=”sapTreNl2″>
<table cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ border=”0″>
<img src=”images/1×1.gif” width=”16″ height=”1″ border=”0″>
<td nowrap>
<img src=”images/treeview/treeleaf.gif” width=”16″ height=”16″ border=”0″>
<td nowrap width=”100%”>
<span nowrap class=”sapTreNoDsbl” style=”cursor:default;”>
<a href=”awstats/awstats.<configname>.html” target=”main” class=”sapLnk”>AWStats</a>
<!–End of added awstats functionality –>

8. When everything is working correctly, the update script created in step 6 can be scheduled to run frequently and your AWStats data can be selected from the Webdispatcher administration console navigation tree.
